Creating Wellness Blog
Welcome to our blog.
Here you’ll find lots of useful tips to help you with improving your physical and mental wellbeing.
We’ll also periodically share company updates, giving you an insight into what we’ve been up to!
What can Hypnotherapy help with?
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to promote psychological and physical well-being.It can be beneficial for many issues. For example;Anxiety and Stress reduction, reducing stress and promoting relaxationPhobias [...]
Why is exercise good for mental health?
There has been numerous studies on mental health and exercise, and we are going to have a look at some of the reasons why exercise is good for mental health. [...]
Managing your own happiness
Managing your own happiness is crucial for overall well-being. Here are some tips to help you navigate your path to happiness: 1. **Self-Care**: Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, healthy [...]
What is happiness?
Happiness is a state of emotional well-being characterized by feelings of contentment, joy, satisfaction, and overall positivity. It involves experiencing pleasure, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose in life. Happiness [...]
Benifits of Indian head massage
Indian head massage, also known as Champissage, is a form of alternative therapy that focuses on massaging acupressure points along the head, neck, and shoulders. This type of massage is [...]
Will you look back at life and say….
Will you look back at life and say “ I wish I had” or “ I am glad I did” Sometimes we are afraid to try things because we may [...]
How does alcohol affect the menopause
Alcohol can affect menopause in several ways: 1. **Hormonal Imbalance**: Alcohol intake can disrupt hormone levels, leading to hormonal imbalances during menopause. 2. **Hot Flashes**: Alcohol can trigger hot flashes [...]
Rest and relaxation
Relaxing and Resting: The Art of Rejuvenation In today's fast-paced world, finding time to relax and rest is more important than ever. The constant demands of work, family, and social [...]
Life with menopause
Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles. It is typically diagnosed after 12 months of amenorrhea and usually occurs in women between [...]
Stop smoking
There are numerous benefits to stopping smoking, as it can have a positive impact on nearly every aspect of your health and well-being. Here are some of the key benefits: [...]
Hypnotherapy gor weight loss
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss: Can Your Mind Help You Shed Pounds? The quest for weight loss can often feel like an uphill battle, with countless diets, exercise plans, and supplements [...]
The importance of sleeping
Sleep is critically important for a variety of reasons, encompassing physical health, mental well-being, cognitive function, and overall quality of life. Here are some key reasons why sleep is considered [...]
Finding yourself not being sociable?
Socializing is an essential aspect of human life, and when you do not socialize, several potential consequences can occur, both on a mental and physical level: Social Isolation: One of [...]
Benefits of an holistic facial
A holistic facial is a skincare treatment that goes beyond the surface to address not only the physical appearance of the skin but also the overall well-being of the individual. [...]
Swimming and the benefits for wellness
Swimming offers a range of physical and mental health benefits that can contribute to improved well-being. Here's why swimming can be particularly good for your mental health: Physical Activity and [...]
Benefits of Indian head massage
Indian head massage, also known as champissage, is a traditional therapeutic practice that originated in India. It focuses on massaging the head, neck, and upper shoulder areas. While its effectiveness [...]
What is depression?
Depression is a complex and serious mental health disorder that affects a person's thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and overall well-being. It goes beyond the normal feelings of sadness or occasional low [...]
How can we help men and their mental health
There are several ways we can support men with their mental health: firstly, we can raise awareness and reduce stigma. Initiate conversations and educational campaigns to challenge traditional gender, norms [...]
Men are allowed to cry, too!
I found it sad that a lot of men do not come forward asking for help however, one in eight months or 15 at least one common mental health issue, [...]
The benefits of Reiki
Reiki is good for stress reduction, helping by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels by activating the bodies, natural healing abilities. It can assist in calming the mind, releasing tension, [...]
Wise words
“Be your own champion: embracing self – positivity with Bruce Lee.” this is a powerful image, we see the iconic martial, art and philosopher. In this “Bruce Lee urges us [...]
Is life coaching for me?
Firstly, let’s establish what life coaching is. Life coaching is a process of empowering people to achieve their personal or professional goals. By providing guidance, support, and accountability. A life [...]
Reiki and what is it?
Reiki originated in Japan in the early 20th century. The practice was developed by Mikao Usui, Who was inspired by his study of various spiritual practices and Ealing traditions, including [...]
Say yes part two
Saying yes, can be a life changing decision. It requires courage and willingness to take a leap of faith. However, it can also be the most liberating and satisfying decision [...]
Say yes part one
Wonder what would happen if you said yes more often? It may be to a new challenge, friendship or a direction in life. Perhaps you’d like to say yes to [...]
Holistic Facial, what is it and is it for men and women?
HOLISTIC FACIAL A holistic facial is not only a wonderful way to relax and promote a sense of well-being, but the facial will also improve the texture of your skin, [...]
Happy habits part3
THERAPY if you feel that you’re not getting anywhere with feeling happier, hitting a brick wall, consider speaking to a therapist. Therapists are trained to help people improve coping skills, [...]
Happy habits part 2
More happiness tips COMPARING with social media, it’s very hard not to compare yourself to other people. Try to remember people normally only post happy things so looking at somebody’s [...]
Habits to add to your life to be happier ❤️
Habits Muhti. If you’ve had a bad habit and you’ve tried to break it, you will realise how ingrained that habit. Good habits are deeply ingrained too. Why not work [...]
Why would Reiki be good for me?
Firstly, let’s start with what is Reiki? reiki is a system for natural healing and self improvement. It was developed byMikao Usui In the early 1900s. It can be [...]
Indian head massage, the benefits
So you thought about having Indian head massage but you don’t know much about it. Indian head massage, indication is in the name it originated from India and is [...]
Think you’re too soft and easily pleased?
Whilst living in a world where we’re all striving for the same thing but in different packaging. We all strive to be happy. To be happy and content is something [...]
Think nice thoughts
Imagine taking a tour of your daily life, this tour is led by somebody who has the ability to reveal the magical with in the mundane. This will be someone [...]
It’s never too late to learn about yourself
Have you ever wondered how some people have it all together? Or they appear to have it all together! we all look at other people and think they have it [...]
Gratitude, the feeling.
I am grateful for all that I have. this affirmation you may have heard many times. In some respects it’s a variation of a childhood practice of counting our blessings, [...]
Hypnotherapy and weight loss
Can hypnotherapy work for weight loss? During a session practitioners believe that the conscious and unconscious mind are able to focus and concentrate on verbal repetition and mental imagery. The [...]
You are not who you think you are.
Do you have heard of the saying is, I think, therefore I am. learn to think for yourself Think harder develop your mind Think positively. In society we are taught [...]
No excuses to achieve your own happiness
if you want to be happy, the first thing you have to do is come up with your own definition of happiness. How do you define happiness? If you could [...]
Japanese and happiness
The Japanese people are amongst the happiest and live the longest according to a scientific research project. We can learn valuable lessons on the longevity of life and healthy living [...]
What is happiness? Over The next couple of blogs we will explore happiness. Statistics show one in 10 people will attempt suicide and one in five will suffer with depression. [...]
What is PACE. PACE is an approach developed by Dr Dan Hughes, an American psychologist who works with traumatised children. Please don’t be alarmed we are not going to be [...]
Hypnotherapy and weight loss
Can hypnotherapy work for weight loss? During a session practitioners believe that the conscious and unconscious mind are able to focus and concentrate on verbal repetition and mental imagery. [...]
More on men’s Mental Health
The statistics Show that one in eight men suffer from depression and anxiety. But remember this is only the men that come forward, many cases go undiagnosed. Three times as [...]
Men’s Wellness
We oftenWhy men do not come forward for help regarding their mental health. It is becoming more prevalent that men are coming forward however not enough men are coming [...]
Fill your bucket
Wellness bucket, What do we mean by this. what do we mean by this. Try to imagine you have a bucket, And that bucket is empty now imagine [...]
Reiki for animals
When training for Reiki on your level to you learn how to send Reiki to others. Others could be animals, plants, the past, the future and of course other humans. [...]
Meditation, ethics and Sleep
Meditation helps us awaken from the half sleep which we often find a waking lives. Meditation also aids sleep itself, meditators sleep more easily and peacefully than people who [...]
Hobbies and wellness
Do you have a hobby? If you do you will know how good it is for the wellness of your mind. Do you easily become bored, fed up of watching [...]
vivious cycles
If someone fears rejection they may feel anxious in social settings. That person may not want to feel anxious and may avoid the situation. Possibly they may not accept invite [...]
It’s the troll in our own heads I want to think about. Think about what you say to yourself, the inner troll who picks apart our actions, Tells lies to [...]
Hopi ear candles
Have you ever tried Hopi Ear Candling? Not only is it treatment to help you unwind, but it comes with the added bonus of providing lots of health benefits.A special [...]
Johnny, Amber and domestic abuse
I am not here to give any opinion on who is right or wrong, after all none of us were in their house. I am just wanting to highlight more [...]
Ways to feel healthier and fitter.
Ways to feel healthier and fitter.Eat more herbs and spices, they have been around for hundreds of years they boost energy help relieve stress and aid digestion. Some good healing [...]
Starting over
Our path shapes us, the events that happened to us when we were young our relationship with our parents and past traumas have an affect on the way that we [...]
Foot bath
Now that summer is approaching you may want to expose your feet to the warmer weather. Pure pampering for your feet it’s not Complicated and it works well for [...]
Music and Mental Health
Can music really help our mental health? Listening to music can be entertaining and music is said to enhance focus and intelligence as well as improving our mental health. Music [...]
Spring clean your body
It’s time to spring clean our bodies. We clean out the cupboards, we clean out our wardrobe, we get rid of stuff that we don’t need anymore the same should [...]
How do I cope with a situation out of my control
How do I cope with a situation out of my control?This is a huge question and after the last couple of years we have had with the pandemic can we [...]
Adding wellness into your busy life
Life can be very demanding, more so if you’re juggling work, home and the family. Sometimes this means that we run out of time to look after ourselves. Below I [...]
Lemon flavouredwater
My gran used to start each day with a glass of water with lemon in it. The reason she did this was because she didn’t want to become ill, she [...]
Hypnosis and weight loss
WeightlossDo you now have a #lockdownbody?Have you managed to acquire #quarantine15 (the average poundage taken on during lockdown)?Have you always struggled with weight throughout your life?Not been able to shift [...]
more on meditation
three ways meditation can help
The heart of meditation
Over 2,500 years ago, a man who had been seeking truth for many, many life times. He ended up in northern India and sat under a tree.He said to himself [...]
Stepping off the need to be busy
instead of moving on to your next task, why not slow down, take a breath, sit down before moving on to your next task.There can be a lot of self [...]
In search of balance
Be kind to yourself, give yourself time let yourself breathe.
12 ways to improve your mood
1, my favourite, be with four-legged friends. The unconditional love from a parent can improve your mood dramatically.2, raise your heart rate either by the gym or a brisk walk [...]
A guide to First time meditation
A guide to meditation for beginners
Procrastination learn how to avoid it, how to help yourself achieve the jobs you put off.
What is Anxiety? Anxiety can mean so much it differs from person to person. The word anxiety is the Latin ‘angere’ The Word means to choke. For some people having [...]
How To Manage Uncertainty in Uncertain Times
The world is in the grip of a global pandemic We are living in extremely uncertain times - and that uncertainty can be difficult to cope with. You may feel [...]
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis is the treatment that may help you cope with different conditions. A certified hypnotist will guide you into a deep state of relaxation while you’re in the state they can make suggestions That are designed to help you be more open to change. Click the title to read more.
Creating rejuvenation at our Wellness Retreat in Yorkshire
Thank you to those who joined our wellness retreat at this idyllic location in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. Activities included meditation, a mindfulness walk, discussions around self-care, reflection time and more. We can’t wait for the next one!