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So far CreatingWellness has created 62 blog entries.


What is happiness? Over The next couple of blogs we will explore happiness. Statistics show one in 10 people will attempt suicide and one in five will suffer with depression. This isn’t great news and not good reading. There are so many factors that are not psychiatric disorders. loneliness divorce moving house death of a [...]



What is PACE. PACE is an approach developed by Dr Dan Hughes, an American psychologist who works with traumatised children. Please don’t be alarmed we are not going to be talking about traumatised children or even yourself as an adult being traumatised.   PACE stands for playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy. these are the four [...]


Hypnotherapy and weight loss

Can hypnotherapy work for weight loss?   During a session practitioners believe that the conscious and unconscious mind are able to focus and concentrate on verbal repetition and mental imagery. The result is the mind becomes open to suggestion and open to change regarding behaviours, emotions, and habits. since the 1700s alternative therapy has been [...]

Hypnotherapy and weight loss2022-12-31T16:05:30+00:00

More on men’s Mental Health

The statistics Show that one in eight men suffer from depression and anxiety. But remember this is only the men that come forward, many cases go undiagnosed. Three times as many men as women die by suicide. Men aged between 40 to 49 at the highest suicide rate in the UK. Men are reporting lower [...]

More on men’s Mental Health2022-09-22T12:59:21+01:00

Men’s Wellness

We oftenWhy men do not come forward for help regarding their mental health.   It is becoming more prevalent that men are coming forward however not enough men are coming forward. People then ask why aren’t there more men services out there. What we have to remember is that most of the services in your [...]

Men’s Wellness2022-09-19T12:11:19+01:00

Fill your bucket

Wellness bucket, What do we mean by this.   what do we mean by this.   Try to imagine you have a bucket, And that bucket is empty now imagine that is your wellness. You don’t want to keep it empty and you’re looking at ways of filling it. firstly let’s have a look at [...]

Fill your bucket2022-09-14T14:47:29+01:00

Reiki for animals

When training for Reiki on your level to you learn how to send Reiki to others. Others could be animals, plants, the past, the future and of course other humans. Working with animals can pose a challenge for the practitioner; animals cannot verbalise their physical needs or even give permission. The spokes people are the [...]

Reiki for animals2022-08-29T16:23:54+01:00

Meditation, ethics and Sleep

Meditation helps us awaken from the half sleep which we often find a waking lives.   Meditation also aids sleep itself, meditators sleep more easily and peacefully than people who don’t meditate and often meditation helps people to need less sleep. Meditation gives us a greater access to the dreamworld by teaching us to be [...]

Meditation, ethics and Sleep2022-08-19T19:23:00+01:00

Hobbies and wellness

Do you have a hobby? If you do you will know how good it is for the wellness of your mind. Do you easily become bored, fed up of watching tv or doing the same old thing? Studies show that learning new skills is good for the brain, keeping the mind active as well as [...]

Hobbies and wellness2022-08-07T11:28:00+01:00

vivious cycles

If someone fears rejection they may feel anxious in social settings. That person may not want to feel anxious and may avoid the situation. Possibly they may not accept invite to parties, therefore staying at home. Occasionally they may attend some function but then feel even more anxious than previous, causing more isolation and rejection, [...]

vivious cycles2022-10-29T16:28:59+01:00
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